Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Trip To The Beach

Melbourne is on the ocean, so I decided to take a trip to the beach. It's too far to walk, though, and I don't have a car. So, time to try the train. A few blocks walk, and I arrived at Flinder's Street Station. It's a very cool looking building:

So, into the train station, and onto the train. About a 20 minute ride, and I'm in St. Kilda.
A short walk, and I made it to the beach.

I was surprised by the number of Jellyfish I saw washed up on the beach.
Some were pretty large:

This one little area has about 7 jellyfish:

Also saw a number of starfish:

It wasn't really the time of year for a swim, but the birds didn't seem to mind the cold water.

There were also a few people willing to brave the cold water for some sailing.

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