Sunday, May 11, 2008

State Library and Carlton Gardens

Today I went to the State Library of Victoria to see the exhibit "Medieval Imagination". This was a very cool display of illustrated manuscripts from the Medieval times. Most of these were bible and church manuscripts. Some of them I saw dated back as far as 1150a.d. It's amazing to see these hand-written manuscripts, and how well they have survived. Unfortunately, no photography was allowed. But, here's a link to the site: Medieval Imagination
The library building itself was actually pretty cool, and I did get some pictures of it.

Several statues are located in the front of the library. I found this one to be pretty cool:

This is called "St. George and the Dragon". Apparantly it's a legend brought back to England during the Crusades.

After the library, I walked up to Carlton Gardens. Along the way, I took some pictures of some old buildings. Some of these are pretty neat. Many of them have engravings near the roof

Most of this area is part of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology(RMIT) now.
This building was part of the original City Court.

The next building is the old Police Watch House

This is right next to the Old Melbourne Gaol(Prison). They have tours, but I'll leave that for another day.

A little further, and I arrived at Carlton Gardens

Carlton Gardens is a big park that houses the Royal Exhibition Center. This is the site where the first Parliament was held in Australia.

This painting was on a plaque outside that described the history:

The gardens were pretty cool, it's fall here, so many of the trees are changing color.

It was a nice day for a walk. Seeing this mom with her daughter on Mother's day, made me miss my family, but they'll be here in another few days:

Here's another picture, showing the changing leaves.

There is also a little pond in the middle with plenty of birds.

Some of leaves that fall off of these trees are huge. You can't really tell from this photo, but this leaf was about the size of my foot:

So after the gardens, I took the free City Circle Tram

to the Docklands.

Where apparently it's a popular place to get married:

I took this because it was about the 4th bride I saw having her wedding photos taken on the dock.
This ship was rather cool looking:

Notice on the bow it says Steve Irwin. A little research on the internet, and I found this is some sort of conservation group. Still a cool looking ship.
Then it was off to get some dinner, and ride the City Circle tram back to the apartment.

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